Non-Medical In-Home Care


Care Options Series Continued…

Non-Medical In-Home Care

Non-medical In-Home Care workers come into your home to provide assistance with activities of daily living (ADL’s). Medicare does not pay for this. It is all privately funded, unless there is a longterm care insurance policy that can be activated.

What is Non-Medical In-Home Care?

This is where care workers are hired to come to the home to provide assistance to at risk seniors. They provide non-medical assistance with activities of daily living.

When would you have this care?

To keep seniors at home and keep them safe, usually a beginning step in the care plan, to identify actual needs. Most times this is required after a stay in a hospital setting and they are in a weakened state.

How do I find In-Home Care?

Your Geriatric Care Manager can guide you, but if you don’t have one, your doctor can give you names of agencies who provide this service. Sometimes after a hospital stay the Care Manager will give you information upon discharge.

Who Pays for this?

Because it is not a medical need, it is privately funded, or longterm care insurance will usually cover it with certain criteria being met.
How much does it cost?

The amount it will cost will depend upon the amount of time the care worker spends with the senior. Depending upon what type of care you need at home, i.e. companion help or personal hands on care, it can be anywhere from $20 to $28 per hour.
